Speeding up LPD8806 show() without hardware SPI

If you’re using LPD8806 LED strips and you can’t use the hardware SPI port (e.g., when using an Ethernet board), there are two other options in the Adafruit library: the default mode and ‘slowmo’ mode. The default mode is decent, but the flexibility of being able to choose the pins at runtime comes with a cost.

However, you can still get a decent speedup by defining your pin usage at compile time in a replacement show() function. I measured the time required to update an 86 LED strip using each method on an EtherTen board (Atmega328 @ 16 MHz, same as the Uno):

30.23 ms - Adafruit 'slowmo' method (digitalWrite)
7.76 ms - Adafruit default method (port pointers)
1.54 ms - Compile-time method
1.43 ms - Adafruit hardware SPI method

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Reducing code size on Arduino Ethernet boards

The Ethernet library grew in size several KB from 0022 to 1.0, which is a big deal when you only have 32 KB to play with. You can save about 2 KB by compiling out DNS support:

Wrap the following pieces of code in #if WITH_DNS

  • Dns.cpp and Dns.h:
    The entire file
  • EthernetClient.h and EthernetClient.cpp:
    int connect(const char* host, uint16_t port)
  • EthernetUDP.h and EthernetUDP.cpp:
    int beginPacket(const char *host, uint16_t port)
  • Client.h:
    virtual int connect(const char *host, uint16_t port)
  • Udp.h:
    virtual int beginPacket(const char *host, uint16_t port)

Add #include "EthernetUDP.h" to EthernetUDP.cpp, since it’s currently relying on the indirect include from Dns.h.